On this past Sunday, August 14 in the Abbey chapterhouse our Brother Stephen made his Simple Profession, pronouncing simple vows for a period of three years.

Brother Stephen reads his handwritten copy of the vows.

Dom Damian removes the novice's cloth belt and scapular.

Dom Damian clothes Stephen in the black scapular and leather belt of the Professed.

Brother Stephen kneels before the Abbot as he blesses him.

The brethren come forward to embrace the newly professed.

A photo of those who are in formation with their directors. From left to right: Brother Joseph; Fr. James, Dean of the Simply Professed; Peter Lynch, an observer; Brother Simeon, Submaster of Novices; Doug Enzor, an observer; Brother Stephen; Brothers John and Timothy, Father Paulinus and Father Luke, Novicemaster.