We are heartened as we read these words of Saint Bernard. Written centuries ago they still describe beautifully, accurately life in our Abbey. Many monks serving the Lord Jesus with one heart and one mind in so many different ways.
The monastery is truly
a paradise, a region fortified with the rampart of discipline. It is a glorious
thing to have men living together in the same house, following the same way of life. How good and pleasant it is when
brothers live in unity. You will see one of
them weeping for his sins, another rejoicing in the praise of God, another
tending the needs of all, and another giving instruction to the rest. Here is
one who is at prayer, another at reading. Here is one who is compassionate and
another who inflicts penalties for sins. This one is aflame with love and that
one is valiant in humility. This one remains humble when everything goes well and
the other one does not lose his nerve in difficulties. This one works very hard
in active tasks while the other finds quiet in the practice of contemplation.