Yesterday we listened and
watched as Jesus looked for the once-blind man and revealed his true
identity as Son of Man - “I who speak with you am he.” Then the man gazing on the beauty of God in Christ sees and believes and
instinctively bows down in worship. It’s what we all desire most ardently - to
see his face, to hear his voice;
for his voice is sweet, and his face is lovely.
We too have experienced his presence. We could deny it and slip back into a cozy darkness. It is
always a possibility. But Jesus has come near, very near and changed
everything. We have been anointed with the blood and water flowing from his
wounded side; we belong to him. There is no going back. We were all once
darkness, but now we are light in the Lord.
My brothers and sisters,
the winter is over and past, the light is increasing now, flowers are already
appearing on the earth; the voice of doves and little birds already fills the
air, the day of our redemption draws nearer and nearer. Now with great desire
Jesus desires that we become all light, all compassion in him. The powers of
darkness are always on our tail. We desperately need him to teach us to
how to keep choosing the light.
Photograph by Brother Brian.