Father William Meninger, a renowned teacher of contemplative prayer,
passed away suddenly on Sunday morning, February 14 after a prolonged
diminishment. Up to the end, he had been speaking to a devoted audience via
raised, and educated in the Boston area. Father William entered the
monastery in 1963 after serving as a priest of the Archdiocese of
Boston for five years. As a monk, William worked in the Abbey guesthouse
for fifteen years, as well as teaching scripture, liturgy, and patristics to
the younger monks. He also served as
subprior, prior, and dean of the
junior professed monks.
1979 Father William transferred to Saint Benedict's
Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, a daughter house of Spencer, where
he served as prior, vocation director, master of novices, and teacher of
theology and scripture. Later he spent three years in Israel where he
studied Scripture and taught at the École
Biblique in Jerusalem and at the Trappist Monastery
of Latrun.
William returned to Spencer a few years ago and was a welcome presence, sharing
his wisdom in homilies and classes. We monks and his many friends and students
grieve his passing. May he rest in peace.