We could approach from many
different angles this rich and mysterious gospel episode of the risen Lord’s
apparition by the Sea of Galilee and the miraculous catch of fish that results.
But let us focus on only one striking fact. The disciples’ initial effort to
catch fish on their own initiative, lasting all through the night, proves
fruitless, ironically so because they were skilled fishermen. Nevertheless,
their apparent failure turns out in the end not to have been such a failure. At
a deeper level, the emptiness of their net becomes a fruitful space calling out
for communion with the risen Jesus. It is almost as if this very emptiness
conjures the presence of the loving Master, for love can never resist rushing
to the beloved’s needs.
With the rising of the sun, the
disciples see Jesus standing on the shore. With his glorified person, he brings
to them an abundance of life and light, and above all joyful companionship with
himself and rich nourishment to strengthen them for the mission he entrusts to
their care.
May all our own failures turn out
to have been apparent in the end and enjoy the same magnificent transformation.
We have only to open our gaping voids to receive the fullness of Christ’s
creative Presence!
Homily by Father Simeon.