The rhythm of our life follows the liturgical calendar. Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Founders of our Order, Saints Robert, Alberic and Stephen of Molesme. Our liturgies were a bit longer with special hymns and antiphons. Even our diet changes when a solemnity is celebrated. And so there were special foods in the refectory- a fish dinner and a somewhat elaborate dessert.
Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have set my watchmen to guard you. By day or night they will not cease to proclaim the name of the Lord.
Ring out your joy, fruitful Citeaux! Those who planted you and made you strong are rejoicing now in heaven. Alleluia.
Holy patrons, friends of God, fathers of our Order, unfailing their protection for those who rely on them.
Details of Abbey glass with the Window of Our Lady Queen of Citeaux in the Abbey's barn chapel at top. Antiphons from Vespers of the Solemnity.