Jesus tells us that the seed must fall into the earth to bear abundant fruit, and then, “When I am lifted up, I will draw everyone to myself.” Clearly this “lifting up” is his crucifixion. He will be raised up on a cross of humiliation, pain and death. And His lifting up will be his abundantly fruitful self-gift to his Father for us. He longs to draw us with Him to the Father through the narrow gate of his passion.
We may notice our resistance, and perhaps we do not want to enter through this narrow, probably painful gateway. But Jesus dreams something quite different and more beautiful for us. He offers us the cross a way out. He longs to draw us into his own his loving self-offering as a way out of death as dead end- self-giving as a way that absolutely cancels death, smashes it to pieces forever. Jesus comes to show us a more excellent way. He show us that death has no power over us at all, never did, never will.
We may notice our resistance, and perhaps we do not want to enter through this narrow, probably painful gateway. But Jesus dreams something quite different and more beautiful for us. He offers us the cross a way out. He longs to draw us into his own his loving self-offering as a way out of death as dead end- self-giving as a way that absolutely cancels death, smashes it to pieces forever. Jesus comes to show us a more excellent way. He show us that death has no power over us at all, never did, never will.
Crucifixion by Duccio di Buoninsegna.