Thursday, December 24, 2015

God's Secret

How secret are the sleeping quarters of a king! Can you understand how without this Virgin’s awareness he has produced the outlines of his sacred body in her venerable womb, the whole of our nature; how he has taken on its every quality? Since everything is possible with God, and it is impossible for you fully to understand even the least of his works, do not inquire excessively into this Virgin’s conceiving, but believe it.  Be reverently aware of the fact that God wishes to be born. Grasp by faith that great mystery of the Lord’s birth, because without faith you cannot comprehend even the least of God’s works.

Thus what God commands, an angel relates.  His Spirit fulfills it, and his power brings it to perfection. The Virgin believes it, and nature takes it up. The tale is told from the sky, and then proclaimed from all the heavens. The stars show it forth, and the Magi tell it about.  The shepherds adore, and the beasts are aware. Do acknowledge him in company with the beasts. Look, they give homage with their tails; they show their delight with their ears, they lick with their tongues, and with whatever sign they can they acknowledge that their Creator, in spite of his nature, has come into yours.  
Let us bow down at the manger, worshiping Him who has come to be with us in all things. Mary gives us her Son, who longs to embrace us.
Giotto, Nativity frescoes, Arena Chapel. Saint Peter Chrysologus, excerpts from Homily 141: On the Incarnation of Christ.