Thursday, November 21, 2019

Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple

- Rejoice, ladder set up from earth to Heaven, on which the Lord came down to us and returned to heaven again, as seen in the vision of the great Patriarch Jacob!
-Rejoice, miraculous bush where the angel of the Lord appeared in flames of fire, where the flame burned without consuming, as Moses realized, who alone saw God face to face!
- Rejoice, shining golden lamp radiating light, from which the inaccessible light of God has shone out on those in darkness and the shadow of death, according to the inspired Zechariah!
- Rejoice, “light cloud where the Lord dwells,” according to Isaiah, who spoke the most sacred things!
- Rejoice, locked gate, through which the Lord God of Israel comes in and out, according to Ezekiel, who gazed on God!
- Rejoice, unquarried mountain-peak, higher than human hands, from which that rock was cut which became the corner-stone, according to Daniel, that great teacher about God!

We rejoice as we celebrate Our Lady on this feast as chosen dwelling place of the Lord Most High God. She gave her flesh to God, so that God in Christ could make his dwelling place in our midst. Rejoice and be glad.

Prayer by Saint Theodore the Studite