Monday, June 10, 2024

The Inner Indwelling

Go not outside, return into yourself; the Truth dwells in the inner man.


In the inner man dwells God, the Truth, who cannot be reached by those who seek him in externals—God, whose nature it is to be always and only within and in the most inward place.


It is important for us to realize that this fons vivus, this living fountain, pours out the divine life into our being from within our being. The Holy Spirit does not dispense his gifts as a detached station operator might refuel a machine. He is in our profound person center pouring out power, faith, hope, love—infusing his own gifts which render us responsive to the very motions by which he moves us. He is energizing our intellects with light and our wills with love. It is difficult for us to appreciate a cause working from within, since our sense experience speaks to us only of causes that influence and produce effects on things external to them. We see a bat hit a ball and a pen write on paper. But the divine Trinity produces the whole marvelous intricacy of our participated godly life from the inner recesses of our personhood.

Man is an incarnated thirst. The indwelling is the quenching.

FR. THOMAS DUBAY, S.M. God Dwells Within Us