Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Christ’s Ministries

Christ was a porter when he opened the door of the ark and closed it again [see Genesis 7:16]. He was a gravedigger when he called fourth Lazarus, already stinking, out of the tomb on the fourth day [see John 11:43-44]. He was a lector when he opened up to the ears of the people the book of the prophet Isaiah in the midst of the synagogue and read, and when he had finished, handed it back to the minister [see Luke 4:16-20]. He was a subdeacon when he poured water into a basin and of his own accord humbly washed the feet of the disciples [see John 13:15]. He was a deacon when he blessed the chalice and gave it to his apostles to drink [see Matthew 26:27-28]. He was a presbyter when he blessed the bread and gave it to them in the same way [see Matthew 26:26]. He was a bishop when, as one having power, he taught the people in the temple about the kingdom of God [see John 7:14].

ANONYMOUS Chronicon Palatinum (6th century)