Saturday, May 11, 2019


Consuming Jesus’ Body and Blood is indeed an unmanageable truth. And as we hear in today’s Gospel, those disciples who take him literally are scandalized. Still, it is true. We do in fact and in faith consume the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Jesus in the Eucharist
It was not that long ago, that Jesus fed that crowd with an abundance of bread. And as Jesus fed all those people on the hillside, we like to imagine that he understood for the first time that it would never be enough for him, merely to feed those he loved even with such abundance. Perhaps it was after that very busy afternoon of blessing and doling out all that bread that Jesus dreamt of himself becoming Bread for us, realized that he himself was meant to be our Food, for he knows he is indispensable for us.
Jesus becomes bread so that he can be dissolved in us, surrender himself to us completely. It's what he did on the cross; it's what he does in the Eucharist each day. That’s what love does; it gives itself away. And so once again we come to him, to whom else shall we go. Each morning  we are invited to give ourselves, as he gives himself and to get caught up in the self-forgetfulness that God is.

The Abbey bell tower photographed by Brother Brian.