Friday, November 6, 2020


Consider a mother caring for her first babe, watching at his cradle, ever mindful of his needs, anxious lest he weep or become ill. The devotion of such a mother cannot match even remotely the constant, minute, tender solicitude of our Lord. If only we had the faith to understand this. Not for one moment does our Lord turn His eyes away from us, nor does His hand cease to guide us; at each instant of our lives His power protects us and His love enfolds us. 

Photograph by Brother Bian of a Pax Instrument in the Abbey archives, hand-painted by Brother Amadeus Peck in the 1950's. The pax was an object used for the Kiss of Peace during Mass. In place of a more direct encounter, each kissed the pax, which was carried around to those present. Text by Servant of God Luis Maria Martinez.