As he called his first disciples, Jesus
calls each of us. Like Saint Paul and all the saints, we long to depart to be
with Christ. Daily we try to set our minds and hearts on things that are above
where Christ is. We have died; our lives are hidden now with Christ in God. We
consider everything to be nothing at all compared with knowing Christ Jesus,
our Lord. Because of him, we have set everything else aside, because in
comparison everything else is a pile of rubbish. And we want more and more to
know only Christ and the power of his resurrection. We share in his sufferings
even now and so are becoming like him in his death. And it is worth it, if
somehow we attain the resurrection. So we keep pressing on to make it our own
because Christ Jesus has made each of us his own. Our drawing closer to him,
following him, is only possible because he draws us to himself. We need only be
constantly available to this "drawing."
Again and again, our Lord said, I am he. I
am he. I am he who is highest. I am he whom you love. I am he in whom you
delight. I am he whom you serve. I am he for whom you long. I am he whom you
desire. I am he whom you intend. I am he who is all. Julian of Norwich
Duccio di Buoninsegna, The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew, 1308-1311, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.