Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Simplicity and Humility

There is no true virtue without simplicity and humility. Simplicity makes us forget our own lights, and humility persuades us that everyone has more light than we. A really humble person sees only her own faults and not those of others. What a wretched occupation it is to be always examining what others do! Let us prefer rather to be blind and without judgment than to use our powers to consider and judge the actions of our neighbor. A heart that is full of love of God occupies itself quite differently; it only thinks of suffering for him whom it loves, and it loves all those who give it an opportunity of suffering for its Beloved. 

Beware of listening to the murmuring of others. Pay attention to yourself, and you will see that you will live far more happily and that God will dwell in you and find his delight in you.