Sunday, July 17, 2016

Holy Desire

Strengthened by this past week of retreat, we pray that our desire for holiness will ever increase. We recall that even Saint Bernard had to remind his monks at Clairvaux that they were called to be saints, dedicated to living holy lives. He wrote: “This community is made up not of the wicked but of saints, religious men, those who are full of grace and worthy of all blessing. You come together to hear the word of God, you gather to sing praise, to pray, to offer adoration. This is a consecrated assembly, pleasing to God and familiar with the angels. Therefore, brothers, stand fast in reverence, stand with care and devotion of mind, especially in this place of prayer and in this school of Christ where the Spirit is heard.”

Photograph by Father Emmanuel . Lines from Sermon for St. John the Baptist, 1 by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.