Let us
pause a moment on this experience of meeting Christ who calls us to remain with
Him. Each one of God’s calls is an initiative of His love. He is the one who
always takes the initiative. He calls you. God calls to life, He calls to
faith, and He calls to a particular state in life: “I want you here”. God’s
first call is to life, through which He makes us persons; it is an individual
call because God does not make things in series. Then God calls us to faith and
to become part of His family as children of God. Lastly, God calls us to a
particular state in life... They are different ways of
realizing God’s design that He has for each one of us that is always a design
of love. But God calls always. And the greatest joy for every believer is to
respond to that call, offering one’s entire being to the service of God and the
brothers and sisters.
...God’s call is always love: we
need to try to discover the love behind each call, and it should be responded
to only with love. This is the language: the response to a call that comes out
of love, only love. At the beginning there is
the encounter with Jesus who speaks to us of His Father, He makes His love
known to us. And then the spontaneous desire will arise even in us to
communicate it to the people that we love: “I met Love”, “I met the Messiah”,
“I met Jesus”, “I found the meaning of my life. I found God.”Photo by Br. Brian. Text from a recent homily by Pope Francis.