When we hear Peter’s words this morning, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us? What’s in it for us?” We may be a bit embarrassed for him. But curiously enough, Jesus doesn’t rebuke Peter for his question. He responds graciously, promises him, promises us a hundredfold, everything — thrones, preeminence for each of them, a marvelous overwhelming return for all that we have given Him.
God notices;
notices what we have given; understands all
that we long to offer or have tried to offer. He is aware of the gift we give, no matter how small. This is a God who
deeply desires to be known, loved; a God who wants to engage us. Jesus notices.
He notices and is grateful. “Everyone who has given up houses or brothers or
sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name,” He
says, “will receive a hundred times more and will inherit eternal life.” He promises that God will respond that he
will reciprocate. “Rest assured,” says He. “You will receive a hundred times
more.” God will not be outdone in his generosity. We can afford to give
everything because Jesus has promised that the return will be more than we
could ever hope or dream for. There will be something for us. Dare we say, God
is obligated to us - not because of any merit of ours but because God is God? The
Everything he gives us is God’s Very Self – in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Jesus is
the Everything we receive.