Saturday, May 13, 2023

Our Lady of Fatima

In 1917 as the horrors of the First World War raged on, Our Lady asked three young shepherd children at Fatima for prayer and repentance to bring peace, promising them and all of us that in the end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph.

More recently in 2022 amid the tribulation of a cruel and senseless war between Russia and Ukraine, Pope Francis again consecrated the Church and all humanity to her Immaculate Heart.

He prayed to Our Lady in these words: “The fiat that arose from your heart opened the doors of history to the Prince of Peace. We trust that, through your heart, peace will dawn once more. To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of the world.” And calling Mary “our living fountain of hope,” he begged her to “water the dryness of our hearts.”

Truly our hearts long for the living water that only Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary’s Son, can give us.