Saturday, December 2, 2023

Love and Inebriation

One who has found love feeds on Christ every day and at every hour and he becomes immortal thereby. For Jesus said: ‘Whoever eats this bread that I shall give him shall never see death’ (cf. John 6.58). Blessed is he who eats the bread of love that is Jesus. For whoever feeds on love feeds on Christ…as John bears witness saying: ‘God is love’ (I John 4.8). Therefore one who lives in love receives from God the fruit of life. He breathes, even in this world, the air of the resurrection… Love is the kingdom… such is the ‘wine to gladden the heart of man’ (Psalm 104.5). Blessed is he who drinks of this wine…the sick have drunk of it and become strong; the ignorant have drunk of it and become wise.

ISAAC OF NINEVEH Ascetic Treatises, 72