Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Cistercian Perspectives on Being Human

The Cistercian Fathers provide a stupendous response to modern problems precisely at the level of anthropology. They all possess a coherent, shared understanding of human nature to which they continuously make reference. They consider man as the masterpiece of God's love, created for love through an overflowing of the love that is intrinsic to Trinitarian life, the very essence of Godhead. Man is the masterpiece of creation, destined to participate in the infinite fullness of divine life by following a path of freedom. This path constitutes a process of transformation that is sustained by man's conscience as well as by his deepest desire. His nature is sealed by a loving positivity, a seal impressed by the creative act of God. Nothing can cancel it out, not even the inconceivable negativity of rebellion and human sin. It is this origin in love that bestows sense on human existence. It clothes man in beauty and indelible dignity.

CRISTIANA PICCARDO Living Wisdom: The Mission and Transmission of Monasticism