Monday, October 9, 2017

Columbus Day

On this Columbus Day, we pray for the evangelization of peoples, that all may come to know the one true God, who brought them into being, loves them, who in his Son has handed over his life for them, and who wishes nothing more than to bestow on them the gift of eternal life. In the Good Samaritan, Jesus gives an example of the kind of disposition and behavior his disciple, the bearer of his Good News, should have toward the neighbor. The one who first of all gives himself permission to see and be touched by the distress of a stranger and then lets himself hear its summons to go out of his way, to be inconvenienced for their sake. Let us pray that we may be cleansed from our selfish tendencies and blindness, that we may be granted eyes to see and ears to hear and so become true bearers of the Word of Life.
Photographs by Father Emmanuel. Meditation by Father Timothy.