Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Triumph of the Holy Cross


This ancient sign of horror and excruciating torture has become for us a tree of life. For the precious blood of Jesus, our Lord has drenched its branches. We rejoice under the cross because by his cross Jesus has rescued us from sin and shame and death. And so we chanted this morning, "We should glory in the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ!"

Saint Paulinus of Nola will speak to the cross, "You have become for us a ladder for us to mount to heaven." And in an anonymous Easter homily inspired by Saint Hippolytus, the tree of the cross reverses the destruction wrought by the tree of Eden: 

For me, this tree is a plant of eternal health. I feed on it; by its roots I am rooted; by its branches, I spread myself; I rejoice in its dew; the rustling of its leaves invigorates me...I freely enjoy its fruits which were destined for me from the beginning. It is my food when I am hungry, a fountain for me when I am thirsty; it is my clothing because its leaves are the spirit of life. 

We exalt in the Cross of Christ, for this Cross is a royal throne upon which Love has triumphed and transformed our pain, misery, human fragility, and foolishness into a royal gateway to life and hope and immortality. Death no longer has the last word in our lives, the Love of the wounded and risen Lord Jesus does. 

Photograph by Father Emmanuel of our veneration cross embedded with a relic of the True Cross, enthroned in the transept of the Abbey church for today's feast.