Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Fire Safety

Fire safety at the Abbey is a priority, and drills are held on a regular basis. Because of the immense size of our property, The Spencer Fire Department has kept a substation here at the monastery which houses equipment for their own use in town and for use here at the Abbey in the event of an emergency. F.D.S.J.A. Station 2 was established to assist the Spencer Fire Department. We are blessed to have the concern of our local fire department. 

Many of our monks have volunteered for training and manning the station through the years.  Brother Benedict has been Captain of our little station for some time, and a group of monks has recently been outfitted for turn-out gear. And they meet regularly for training. Pictured above with Engine 4 are Brothers Guerric, Kenneth, Benedict, Michael, and Andrew.

We pray that these services will never be needed, but it is a comfort to know we are prepared.