Saturday, October 29, 2022

Our Lady on Saturday

Saint Bernard says that above all what has drawn God to Mary is her humility. God finds it absolutely irresistible. Certainly, we will come to our humility by a route very different than Our Lady’s, but it can give us the same irresistible quality. We can do it through our sinfulness, acknowledging that we have nothing to boast of before God but our weakness. It is after all the only thing about myself that I am absolutely confident about. The problem is it’s also the one thing I most want to deny. But this reality, this humility lets God be God. Said another way, when things fall apart then God can be God. Through the Virgin Mary, God has chosen to be part, an integral part, of our fragmentation. Let us open our hearts completely to the Lord.

Bernardo Daddi, Madonna And Child With Four Angels (Central Predella Panel From The San Giorgio A Ruballa Altarpiece)1348, Tempera And Gold On Panel, Ronald Lauder Collection. Meditation by one of the monks.