Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Question For Saint Bernard About Anger

How would you advise a person who is angry with another, not to the extent of wishing to harm him, but yet enough so that he would be glad to see harm befall this person? May one approach the altar in these dispositions, or should one rather stay away until the disturbance has passed?

I can only say that I hope I will never find myself going to the altar of peace in such a state, or partaking with wrath and quarrelsomeness of the sacrament in which God is unquestionably present, “reconciling the world to himself.” If God will not receive my gift until I have restored peace to any brother whom I may remember having offended, how much less will he do so if I haven't even restored peace within myself.

SAINT BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX On Precept and Disposition