Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Charity and Obedience

The charity of God and obedience are bound each to each with an unbreakable bond and are in no way separated from each other. The Lord shows us that there cannot be charity without obedience when he says: ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word’ (Jn 14:23): that is to say, he will observe my commandments, and in observing them, he will obey me. He also shows that there cannot be obedience without charity when he says: ‘Whoever does not love me does not keep my words’ (Jn 14:24). If, then, he who loves obeys, and he who does not love does not obey, it follows that just as there cannot be charity without obedience, neither can there be obedience without charity.

BALDWIN OF FORD Spiritual Tractates, Tr. 3